Darwin Moore – Prodigy Training Academy

Meet Darwin, one of our newest members at Brickyard Woodbridge. Darwin, and his company Prodigy Training Academy LLC, became a Brickyard member in April after realizing his company needed “a home for [his] small businesses to promote, network, and conduct business in a professional environment.”

Prodigy Training Services specializes in providing quality and certifiable training to civilians, public safety, security, and health care professionals. The company specializes in areas like firearms, first aid, self-defense, mental health, along with various other security-related training in the DMV area. Darwin’s company now holds a host of training classes at our new office in Woodbridge and the Brickyard Team has had the pleasure of seeing Darwin teach. He very clearly has a passion for his work as he enthusiastically leads and guides his students through his classes. It’s a joy to see Darwin in his element!

When asked what he likes about Brickyard most, the answer couldn’t have been clearer, “The unlimited access [to our office], being that his business just doesn’t have a 9 to 5 ideal. Businesses operate 24/7. Brickyard provides a platform for those types of businesses. The staff at Brickyard are excellent by making us comfortable and appreciated.”

We love Darwin, his dedication to his work, his students, and his new way of doing business! We look forward to continuing to work with him and to watch as his business continues to grow and succeed.

If you are a member here at Brickyard, send him a message and give him a warm welcome on our member platform (and ask him why he hates Brussel sprouts, ’cause he does).

If you’re not a member, what are you waiting for? Join Darwin and hundreds of other business owners like him, who found a community that supports their business every day! Get started by looking at our Woodbridge-Exclusive Founding Member plans, starting at $169/mo by clicking the button below.

#MemberMondays #Brickyard

